
Flex those follicles to the max


Creative: Robert Balog
Strategy: Topher Burns
Delivery: Julie Sullivan
Creative: Christina Cooksey
Creative: Michael Anderson
Design: Michelle Wang
Strategy: Michelle Barna-Stern
Strategy: Brett Ambrose


CEO: Heather Wallace
CMO: Steven Siegal
GM: Jenny Houghton
ECD: Elaine Fong
Director: Megan Seman
Sr Manager: Tracy Cooke
Producer: Sasha Riddle


Production: L'Eloi
Edit & GFX: Colegram
Music: Cleod9
PR: Autumn
Media: Rain

We’ve been tackling hair loss all wrong. Because it’s not really about the hair at all. It’s about the skin beneath it, and skin is pretty much Curology’s thing.



Head skin doesn’t get much love. Hell, there’s not even a nice word for it—scalp? Yuck. And all the pampering we do pretty much stops at the hairline. But when that hairline starts to move back or things begin to thin overall, Curology knows that’s when the skin needs some help.

a neon wonderland of mainlined self confidence and bulging hairdos

So, as Curology prepared for the first time ever to blow up the hair care game by bringing their dermatology bona fides to bear, we knew we had to flip the narrative.

From the joyless hellscape of limp strands and harsh lighting that you see in most hair loss spots, to a neon wonderland of mainlined self confidence and bulging hairdos that was the world of 80’s aerobics.

Introducing your new hair gains routine: “Follicle Fitness”

This campaign imagines the marriage of science and fitness in a synth-laden love letter to a time where “the higher the hair, the closer to God” was the mantra. It step - touch - kicks in the door of a category gone stale, and motivates people to totally crush their hair goals.